Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope, Change

Today is a turning point in American- nay, WORLD history.  We have a new president.  We have a new blog.  We have no job. 

Less than a week before Obama was inaugurated, I was laid off from my job.  Not cool, universe.  I read in the AM New York (the free subway daily) this morning that 220,000 New Yorkers are out of work.  It is, to quote Neil Pye, a bottomer.  

I am trying to view this as an opportunity to do things that I previously did not have time for.  Important, enriching things.  Like blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Re your comment about this being a turning point in world history, you may be right -- let's hope so. I think Obama understands his potential to open doors long closed to the US (or closed in the past 7 years). There was quite a bit in his speech about foreign policy and some serious saber rattling, too.

    The commentators, at least those I heard, tended to focus on his impact on white-black relations in the US, and that indeed was at the top of Obama's mind, too. But it's too much to ask of him or us to somehow with the wave of a ballot, so to speak, wipe away all the errors and all the pain and all the misunderstandings on all sides of race in the US. At least we seem to be able to talk about race a little more openly; that's a start -- the essential first step IMHO.
